星期二, 2月 01, 2011


1.What do you think about jogging? Will it maintain your physical fitness?
ans: Jogging is the excellent personal sport, it can do anytime anywhere, and can strong the human circulatory system.
and it help me reduce weight more then 15kg. and maintain my fitness.
2.Do you jog at your leisure time?
ans: yes, i keep jogging everyday. and jogging can let me calm down and think many thing.
3.what kind or equipment is needed in jogging?
ans. you need one pair of running shoes, and you can wear any suit that you like. keep comfortable is necessary.
4.Is it wise of a beginning jogger to run very fast?
ans: no, is not wise to run fast beginning jogger, it will cause you heart your ankle or muscle. the body need warm up then you can run fast.
