星期六, 2月 26, 2011

how to use this Blogger??

This is a interesting question, let me think about that.

In the beginning, this is a record place to put my personal feeling.

and i don't want to share to others. but this is a place in public.

maybe i can start to write something in English. and i can help me to think, collation, and pronounce my opinion..

please enjoy the show!!.

the OGRE will be here? haha

星期二, 2月 22, 2011

the excellent proverb


the smooth processing?

look like i still choose the bad choice.

maybe leave in quiet is better?

星期一, 2月 21, 2011

Let it go

is time to let it go.
why you need to look down on yourself.
don't waste time on anyone who don't treasure your care for.

it's his loss, not yours.

let it go.... you will be better than before.

and you need to learn how to hind your atmosphere.

don't like the goat, always rush. and hurt yourself.

星期六, 2月 19, 2011

some economy word!!

上行下效效果(trickle down effect)
布爾橋亞的霸權(bourgeois hegemony)
月暈效應(Halo effect)
炫耀性消費(Conspicuous Consumption)
消費者剩餘(Consumer's Surplus)

星期六, 2月 12, 2011

waste one day

I have waste one day today,
you need to keep your willpower to study.
don't forget your promise.

this is the latest chance you can stop to improve yourself.

keep going, Brian.

星期日, 2月 06, 2011

The movie :9

It is the simple drama movie, but can touch your heart.
The kindhearted and brave are the humanity soul.

If we don't have the soul, what we are?

星期六, 2月 05, 2011

What is the best title for this passage??

Americans love sports - they love to play them, to watch them on television, and to talk about them.
But this national pastime sometimes has serious consequence - at least for the player.
People who plays tennis year after year, for example, often develop "tennis elbow." And it is easy to hurt a knee and shoulder in a soccer or football game.
This injuries happened while the players is  having  fun,  but they still hurt.

星期二, 2月 01, 2011


1.What do you think about jogging? Will it maintain your physical fitness?
ans: Jogging is the excellent personal sport, it can do anytime anywhere, and can strong the human circulatory system.
and it help me reduce weight more then 15kg. and maintain my fitness.
2.Do you jog at your leisure time?
ans: yes, i keep jogging everyday. and jogging can let me calm down and think many thing.
3.what kind or equipment is needed in jogging?
ans. you need one pair of running shoes, and you can wear any suit that you like. keep comfortable is necessary.
4.Is it wise of a beginning jogger to run very fast?
ans: no, is not wise to run fast beginning jogger, it will cause you heart your ankle or muscle. the body need warm up then you can run fast.